Thursday, December 8, 2011
Pretty Girl
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Ready for church
My 3 little kiddos are absolutely adorable! I love getting them ready for church. It's the one day I can make everything just right and hope to keep it that way for half of the day, until we return home. I love picking out their outfits and even more I love it when they match. I'm not sure why...but it's fun!
This week I ran into a blog that had a pattern for the skirts my girls are wearing. I'm not the best seamtress, but I gave it a shot. I think they turned out pretty cute! Then I made flowers to go with their skirts, because us girls like the accessories!
Miss Emma Rose's skirt was the first to be finished earlier in the week and she was very excited that I had made her a skirt. She told a woman at church today "my mommy made this for me". She was very happy with my effort.
I made Hallie's skirt Saturday after they went to bed. So when she woke up on Sunday I got her dressed and she had the biggest smile on her face and threw herself on me, hugging and kissing me with excitement and joy beaming off of her. She'd take a step back, look down at her outfit and preceed to give me hugs and kisses all over again. She did this three times. I say that was the best reimbursement I could've ever asked for. It's so much fun doing things for my family and even more fun when I get to witness the joy I may have brought to them.
Friday, September 16, 2011
After having a baby the only way to lose the weight is to EXERCISE! With three kiddos, it's a little hard to find the time. Thankfully Antonio has been letting me run with my sister in the morning. I decided to do some pilates when I returned from my run to stretch out a little. So, I let Emma and Hallie exercise with me.
Emma did really well following along. She would watch the tv and turn and look at me and try her hardest to get it right. I figured it was a lesson in following instructions. Exercise and learning in one!
Hallie had fun rolling around and watching what we were doing. Right on track for a two year old! She's so sweet!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Bath Time
My baby boy absolutely loves bath time! It's the time of day that I am sure to get a smile out of him. I love bath times because I'm able to lather him up with yummy smelling lotion and cuddle him while feeling his soft skin and smelling his hair. I guess we both love bath time!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tummy Time
Christian is getting so big! He is enjoying tummy time and is getting stronger by the day. He uses his left arm to hold himself up. I'm excited to see him grow and develop...I'm sure nothing can stand in his way. His orthopedic doctor seems to think that he will adapt to everything just fine. She said that very few kids with a limb difference need therapy or extra support and most will reject the use of a prosthetic. Only time will tell what Christian will need, but for now he is doing well. And is as cute as a button! I just love my little boy!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Cuddle time with Daddy
Daddy has been gone a lot lately. He is working hard at work and at school, we're so proud of him! While he is home, though, we take advantage! Every second we get we cuddle, play and laugh with him! Daddy is the best!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
6 weeks old
Hello world!! Today I'm 6 weeks old and happier than ever! The first doctor's that saw me said I probably wouldn't make it...but I am growing strong. I love to eat and I stay true to the wording on my shirt, I'm definitely my mommy's alarm clock, whether she needs one or not. I've smiled a lot since I was born, but I just started smiling while my mommy is talking to me. This makes her very happy because it means my development is right on track. I love taking baths if they're really warm and sleeping on my tummy (which my mom doesn't let me do often). I'm getting very strong and can lift my head well. I am a very happy boy, I would say much more calm and mellow than those other two that run around and scream all the time, soon I'll be running around with them. Mom doesn't want me to grow too fast though!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Personality wise
From the minute our children are born (or even before) we're wondering who they'll look like and how their personality will be. It's very clear that Emma resembles me and Hallie resembles her dad. So, what about their personalities....
This morning Emma has been consumed with her educational materials that I've been introducing to her. She is intent on completing her tasks and doing them until she thinks its good enough.
...and Hallie you ask??? What has she been up to?
Mastering her acrobat abilities, of course!
I'll let you decide who they take after personality wise!
As for Christian, well, right now he's nothing short of perfection!
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Meaning of Life
When i walk into my living room and see my beautiful babe lying fast asleep on the couch, I can't help but feel as though I've climbed mountains with and for the three beautiful children I have. My sacrifice has been made in putting aside the $$ and keeping my children safe at my side. Not having to drop them off every morning and leave them with people in the business of raising kids...that is taller than any ladder I can climb and worth more than any amount of money.
Children are the meaning of life. They are what I do and who I am...I truly love my babes. I am blessed to have each of them entrusted to me, what a wonderful responsibility!
Friday, July 8, 2011
3 days to go!
Although all health concerns have been cleared to this point, i was told that we would most likely be in for a nicu stay. They say they want to monitor him to make sure all is okay. Im tired of all the medical run around and am not thrilled at all to deal with a hectic nicu experience compared to the peaceful bonding I've experienced with my girls. However, I'll do what needs to be done for my boy. Then hopefully, if all is well we can go home and be left alone.
I'm thrilled to meet my little boy and to get a glimpse of all that he will teach me!
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Inquisitive Threes

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Christian Rafael
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sisterly Love
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Birthday Breaks...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Look Up!
So...because I am who I am I sit, I question, I ponder and think about EVERYTHING! Little Christian has come to my mind often. With the joy I feel that he will most likely make it safely into our arms, I begin questioning what happened with his hand....what did I do wrong?? I am definitely scared to step into the unknown with him and be the mom that holds him up to no limits. I put so many limits on myself because sometimes I just don't feel good enough. Now I've been trusted with this boy, to raise him, to guide him, to help him know that he is more than most would ever imagine him to be.
I like to think that I have the faith to handle this situation, thus far, to know that we will move along and become stronger in the experiences that we are handed. However, this past week, it's been a little harder, with the realities of life and the world weighing down. In my moments of despair... I can't help but turn to support groups that I've come across about people who have lived with the same thing. Although this world may hold those who are different down to a lower standard, these people definitely prove otherwise. Hopefully, I can be that driving force in my sons life... somewhere along the line I've got to find the strength... Motherhood definitely gives me strength. - This man was born without his left forearm and never let it hinder him. He is now an accomplished musician that has recorded music and plays the guitar.
Basketball playerThis man received a scholarship to play on a college basketball team.
Hiking accident
This man cut off his own arm during a hiking accident and looks at it as a blessing rather than a tragedy.
I know that in moments where I tend to look down...I just need to keep looking up! We all have obstacles to face and overcome, that are hard in the moment, but bring about much growth in the end. I'm positive Christian will amaze me from the beginning. Here's to that "leap of faith" into the unknown. Armed with love and knowledge of the gospel and examples from some really amazing people who set their own limits...not work on limitations, we will be successful!
Monday, March 7, 2011
My Emma

Thursday, February 24, 2011
We found out we were expecting our third little baby on November 20, 2010. We were excited and hoping for a little boy. Thus far, we have defnitely enjoyed our journey as parents, but were definitely a little apprehensive as to adding a third baby. I wanted it so much, but just wasn't sure it was the best timing. Sometimes, I've learned, Heavenly Father has a little hand in the timing of things.
On December 30, 2010 we went in for our first appointment. We were given an ultrasound at that appointment to measure the dates and to recieve and accurate due date. As the ultrasound tech performed the ultrasound we were excited to see our third little baby for the first time. The ultrasound quickly came to a close and the ultrasound tech became quiet and typed her report. As I read what she typed I could tell something seemed to be wrong. The doctor came in as she was finishing the report and gave a solemn mmm... Then proceeded to explain to us that a measurement at the back of the neck (the nuchal translucency) was measuring large at 4.0 mm, usually found below 2.0mm. The doctor then explained to us that our baby has an increased risk of being born with a chromosome disorder, most likely Down Syndrome.
We left the office that day feeling confused and as though what we were told was a certain outcome. I cried, I questioned, I went from expecting a healthy little baby to a very uncertain future.
As I read through the paperwork given to us by the doctor, I focused on the Chromosome Abnormality information. I read about a First Trimester Screen that would allow us to have another ultrasound and bloodwork drawn to come up with a ratio of the likelihood our baby had a chromosome disorder. I called the following Monday and scheduled to go in on January 11, 2011.

The procedure took quite a bit of time to prepare for and we were told that there was a high chance of a miscarriage mainly because the circumstances of this pregnancy showed we wouldn't likely carry this baby to term anyway. They used the ultrasound throughout the procedure and used a long needle to obtain a sample from the placenta. We would find out the fate of our little baby within a week. I had no complications arrise from the procedure and stayed on pins and needles throughout the next weeking waiting to hear the dreaded news.
On January 19 we were told that our baby did not have Trisomy 13, 18 or 21 and that it was a little BOY!! I was so excited to hear the news after feeling like the dr's made it out to be certain our baby had some type of chromosome disorder. A day later we recieved the call stating all 46 chromosomes came back normal. However, we were told that there was a chance that the baby still had a chromsome issue and we would discuss further testing at our next appointment.
On January 26 we went in to meet with the specialists again. We were told that the baby still didn't have a left hand, but had both of the bones in the lower left arm. The nuchal translucency, now the nuchal fold was now measuring in the normal range, which is a positive sign. We chose not to have any further testing done on the sample that was taken and to try to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy.
I felt movements from my little guy on February 2 and they keep getting stronger and stronger. I can't believe what a joy it is to feel the little kicks and turns. It literally brings a smile to my face and a light to my day each time I feel him move.

Throughout this experience I have definitely had the opportunity for growth. I went from wondering how we would do with a third child to wondering if we would be given the opportunity to have this little baby. I have questioned a lot and prayed even more. I know that our Father in Heaven has a reason for everything and I know that this little boy will be more of a blessing to our family than I can even imagine right now. I'm so gratefulf for this experience. It has given me the opportunity to question my Saviors love and to understand it all over again and in a whole new light. I know that our Savior loves us and stands by our side, I know that he is there for us no matter how high the waters may come. As hard as it may be at times to lean on him, I am slowly learning that if I do I can conquer things that I would have never imagined and even come out understanding a little more in the end.
Our little boy will be named Christian Rafael. Christian, follower of Christ, after my Great Grandfather whom I remember with such fondness. Such a loving, gentle man with a great smile, oh how I loved sitting on his lap in his recliner. Rafael, meaning God has healed, Antonio's Grandfather, whom I only met once, but in the one meeting he told me of his belief of Angels and how he knows that they exist among us. May both of these dear men be Angels guiding my little boy throughout his life on this earth. I'm sure they have already been by his side as God has played a role in helping our little boy to have a chance at survival in this world.