I have to tell you that I absolutely love this new stage of mothering, where my children are understanding what I am doing with them and can interact with me. Maybe it's the teacher in me, but I couldn't wait until one of my children was old enough to want to sit and learn with me.
I'm not saying it's always easy to find the motivation with everything else on my to do lists, but it's worth it when I do!
Lately I've been working with Emma on writing her name and reading duo stories that are part Mommy read and part Emma read. Many days when I don't feel motivated because I'm SOOO tired she'll say, "Mommy, can we please learn please?". I am so pleased that she has the desire to sit and learn with me.

Today as I was helping Emma clean the playroom and folding laundry she called me in there and said, "Mommy come look, I drew a face". This was the picture she led me to and then preceded to draw it over and over. I have so much fun watching her discover new things and abilities all on her own. Now, I'm going to sit down with her and have her draw a self portrait, then we can do it every so often to see her progress- so much fun!! But of course that's the Kindergarten teacher coming out. So far she knows the letters S, A, E, M, I and the words I, see, and we are working on me. Now my goal is to make it an almost daily activity and then she'll really catch on, consistency is the key!! Although she can be IMPOSSIBLE at times, I truly love this age!