Lately Emma has been asking questions for everything. She's trying to understand the process and reasoning behind everything. This is a conversation we had in the car last night on the way home.
Emma: Mom, can I sit in a big seat?
Mom: No.
Emma: Because why I can't sit in a big seat?
Mom: Because it's not safe and if we got in an accident you would get very hurt.
Emma: Why would I get very hurt.
Mom: Because your car seat is just the right size for you and if protects you.
Emma: Why does it protect me?
Mom: So you can grow big and strong.
Emma: But why do I need to grow big and strong?
Mom: So you can be here with Mommy and learn and grow.
Emma: But why do I need to learn and grow?
Mom: So one day you can be a Mommy.
Emma: What did you say?
Mom: So you can be a Mommy, don't you want to be a Mommy? (her favorite thing to play)
Emma: Yes I do Mom, I want to be a Mommy.
Mom: Then we need to keep you safe.
Emma: No, Mom, I think I want to be a daddy...*laughing*
Mom: Oh really, you want to be a daddy?
Emma: I'm silly, huh Mom? I want to be a daddy.
So, in a round about way we finally concluded our discussion on safety and with a little bit of her dad's humor thrown in at the end she proves to be a person that has the need to be informed, like her mother, and the desire to keep life light, like her dad. She sure is great. Now imagine this questioning with just about every conversation we have throughout the day!