Today Emma received her Baby Blessing. I am so grateful for the opportunity she had to be given this. It was an absolute amazing experience. Typically the mothers are not a part of the actual blessing, but since Emma is not an infant I got to go up and hold her on my lap. We were a little worried about her reaction to all the Priesthood holders gathering around her and laying their hands on her head. However, as Daddy carried her up there she was calm and sat on the chair with me. Then the Priesthood began to gather around, she looked around a little worried, but the last one to come up was Uncle Gabe. She saw him through the middle of the other men and held her arms out to him in such a warm, welcoming way. As they laid their hands on her head she was completely calm and relaxed. I also felt this way, it's amazing what the Priesthood can do!

This day we are so blessed to have had my sisters and the example of their families. We are so blessed to have been touched so much by baby Shane and his wonderful spirit. We are so blessed to be where we are in our lives today and have a true and growing relationship with our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. We are so blessed to have Emma and to be trusted by Heavenly Father to bring her up in the light of Christ.

Emma is blessed to have a Daddy that offered a beautiful blessing upon her. She is a sweet, kind and loving little girl that I know will touch many throughout her life. She has a very soft but strong spirit about her. I hope that she will grow to know and love her Heavenly Father and be able to share her love to help others. She is an amazing blessing to us and I am so grateful for her and the way she has touched our lives! What a beautiful gift to have the opportunity to be a mother and to be trusted with such innocent spirits that are in need of the nurturing and truth of the word of God.