My beautiful Hallie Mabelle was born on June 15 at 11:45 pm. We arrived at the hospital at 7:00 am that morning after being in labor the whole night before. When we arrived I was 3cm dialated and very excited that my body had actually gone into labor on its own. I was able to walk around and get in the tub during my labor because of the new wireless monitors, so the experience of the labor was wonderful. Antonio and I were alone and able to bond through the experience of bringing our daughter into the world. At 11:00 am they came to check me and break my water, I was dialated to a 4 and my water had already broke on its own. The pain was intense, but so worth it! After all, I had wanted this experience ever since I had Emma. At 3:00 and 8:00 they checked me and I was still a 4. I hoped I would progress further,but knew that a c-section would be the next step. The midwives and doctor gave me plenty of opportunity to try to get the labor to progress. However, at 11:00 we decided that the c-section would be the best and safest delivery for my little girl. Although it is still hard for me to accept that I will never have the chance to deliver my babies, I am glad that Hallie made it safely into my arms!
Emma was very excited to see her new little sister at home. She wanted to hold her and care for her from her the minute she met her. The adjustment has gotten a little more difficult this week, but Emma loves and adores her little sis.
Hallie is adjusting well and is as beautiful as ever. I am so blessed to have a baby to hold in my arms and love and cuddle. I am aware now at how quickly they grow. I pray I can hold on to these moments and treasure them forever!