We had a good time for Thanksgiving. We spent the afternoon and ate dinner at Mimi and Papa's. It was delicious! There were so many adventures for Emma Rose, she just couldn't concentrate on eating. Between the desire to be with her cousins at their table, because she's just as big as them and all the doors she could find to open (her new found talent), she couldn't concentrate much on the food.

So, I discovered today that the food is that much better as left overs. Between the turkey sandwiches, mashed potatoes and pie we've snacked on all day. Emma has discovered that she enjoys it very much, as long as it is on her own accord. Walking around in her booties and shirt as she stuffs the potatoes in her mouth. Sometimes it's nice to take it easy and relax, we don't always have to be at the table (that's what Emma thinks). Anyway, we typically don't get a Friday to relax as a family! Oh, the joy of the holidays!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! --And a wonderful day after Thanksgiving! It's nice to be able to enjoy some time as a family and remember the whole reason for the holidays! Now we can begin our countdown to Christmas and enjoy the Spirit of the season!