Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Want some jewelry??

Thursday, December 8, 2011
Pretty Girl
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Ready for church
My 3 little kiddos are absolutely adorable! I love getting them ready for church. It's the one day I can make everything just right and hope to keep it that way for half of the day, until we return home. I love picking out their outfits and even more I love it when they match. I'm not sure why...but it's fun!
This week I ran into a blog that had a pattern for the skirts my girls are wearing. I'm not the best seamtress, but I gave it a shot. I think they turned out pretty cute! Then I made flowers to go with their skirts, because us girls like the accessories!
Miss Emma Rose's skirt was the first to be finished earlier in the week and she was very excited that I had made her a skirt. She told a woman at church today "my mommy made this for me". She was very happy with my effort.
I made Hallie's skirt Saturday after they went to bed. So when she woke up on Sunday I got her dressed and she had the biggest smile on her face and threw herself on me, hugging and kissing me with excitement and joy beaming off of her. She'd take a step back, look down at her outfit and preceed to give me hugs and kisses all over again. She did this three times. I say that was the best reimbursement I could've ever asked for. It's so much fun doing things for my family and even more fun when I get to witness the joy I may have brought to them.
Friday, September 16, 2011
After having a baby the only way to lose the weight is to EXERCISE! With three kiddos, it's a little hard to find the time. Thankfully Antonio has been letting me run with my sister in the morning. I decided to do some pilates when I returned from my run to stretch out a little. So, I let Emma and Hallie exercise with me.
Emma did really well following along. She would watch the tv and turn and look at me and try her hardest to get it right. I figured it was a lesson in following instructions. Exercise and learning in one!
Hallie had fun rolling around and watching what we were doing. Right on track for a two year old! She's so sweet!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Bath Time
My baby boy absolutely loves bath time! It's the time of day that I am sure to get a smile out of him. I love bath times because I'm able to lather him up with yummy smelling lotion and cuddle him while feeling his soft skin and smelling his hair. I guess we both love bath time!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tummy Time
Christian is getting so big! He is enjoying tummy time and is getting stronger by the day. He uses his left arm to hold himself up. I'm excited to see him grow and develop...I'm sure nothing can stand in his way. His orthopedic doctor seems to think that he will adapt to everything just fine. She said that very few kids with a limb difference need therapy or extra support and most will reject the use of a prosthetic. Only time will tell what Christian will need, but for now he is doing well. And is as cute as a button! I just love my little boy!